Monday, May 1, 2017

What I've Learned from #ITA575

To sum up my experiences from my Instructional Technologies Application class, I decided to make a video blog post. I used Windows Movie Maker to edit my video. I chose this tool because I was inspired by Cassie Stephens to begin creating videos for education and I thought this was the perfect opportunity to try it. I chose Windows Movie Maker over other video editing software because it was free on my laptop and I am somewhat familiar with using it. I also thought that it was easy to import my video from my webcam and realized after I recorded my video, that I could record directly inside the program. I have learned about many different cool tools in this course, which has inspired me to do some research of my own.

I think the biggest take away from this course would be the exposure and encouragement to use technology in the classroom. Like I mentioned above, there were many cool tools introduced in this course. I felt that being required to choose a different one each week, forced me to take risks with technology in my classroom. Some of these risks I still use today, for instance, EDpuzzle. I plan on continuing the use of technology in my classroom. I will begin incorporating a blended-learning idea with having students look at videos that introduce ideas outside of my classroom so that we can use class time for collaboration and creation.

I feel that this course has made me a much better teacher and has encouraged me to take risks in my classroom. I also feel that I use technology in a much more beneficial way instead of just to fulfill a teaching requirement. I have also enjoyed the creation of a blog and PLN. I have begun researching others in my field, beyond Pinterest and have also enjoyed sharing my ideas. I feel that I can help others the way many of their blogs have helped me. I hope to keep this blog up and running.

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